• We Can't Do it Alone
    Without Your Support!

  • Menstruation Is Not a Disease -
    Let’s Educate Them!

    10% of the girls in India believe menstruation is a disease (UKAID).
    Join Us
  • Right To Know Menstruation
    Before Puberty

    66% of the Indian girls do not know anything about menstruation
    before their first period (UnicefMHM)
    Join Us
  • Let’s Not Make PERIOD,
    A Hindrance!

    28% of the students in India do not go to school during their period,
    due to lack of facilities and materials (Unicef)
    Join Us
  • Teach Them Periods,
    To Make Them Healthy!

    In India 14% of the girls report to suffer from
    menstrual infections (WaterAid)
    Join Us
  • Do Not Harm Your Health,
    Know Your Body

    Poor menstrual hygiene not only affects physical health, but also social mental wellbeing,
    thus is a violation of the human right to health (MenstrualHygienDay.org)
    Join Us


21 more
days to go
1,000 Girls


21 more
days to go
8,45,000 INR
15,00,000 INR

About Women Planet Foundation

Women planet Foundation is an endeavour to bring smiles on women/girls in need. For every one of those women, who are deprived of basic needs, for all those who are less fortuned to have enough education, hygiene care & more. We stress upon the ideology of help and spread smiles!

We generally work for women and children, concentrating on the issues they have to compromise with. All these are unrealistic without the backing of individuals such as you and me. We are a platform to get like-minded people from a diverse background who can support us at different walks of life together and share valuable time. People who care for others, who can spend those extra bits of their earnings for a smile that has the potential to leave us in peace.

Educate : Empower : Entertain!


What Women Planet Foundation Will Do?

  • Making them aware with right education material on menstruation.
  • Consulting them on regular basis - Educate and guide them.
  • Distribution of a Muskaan kit (covering sanitary napkins, paper napkins, soap & happiness gift).
  • Adopting them for min. 1 year and provide them with the same every month so they can practise them and get habitual to hygiene.

Muskaan Kit Contains :


30000 INR
720000 INR
Donate Now

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